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Disciplinary Education Publications

Boix Mansilla, Verónica & Gardner, Howard (2008). Disciplining the mind. Educational Leadership, 65(5), 14-19.

Boix Mansilla, Verónica (2005). Between reproducing and organizing the past: Students' beliefs about the standards of acceptability of historical knowledge. In R. Ashby, P. Gordon, & P. Lee (Eds.), International Review of History Education, Vol. 4 (pp. 98–115). Oxford, UK: Routledge.

Boix Mansilla, Verónica (2004). Abriendo puertas a las artes, la mente y mas alla. Conaculta: Mexico.

Ritchhart, Ron & Boix Mansilla, Verónica (2003). Teaching for understanding - teaching for transformation. In United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Belfer Exemplary Lessons. Washington, DC.

Boix Mansilla, Verónica (2001a). The pursuit of understanding: A study of exemplary high school students' conceptions of knowledge validation in science and history. Thesis. Cambridge, MA: Harvard Graduate School of Education.

Boix Mansilla, Verónica (2001b). Expecting high standards from inner city kids - challenges and possibilities. In A. Dickinson, P. Gordon & P. Lee (Eds.), Raising standards in history education. International review of history education, Volume 3 (pp. 20-35). London, UK: Woburn Press.

Boix Mansilla, Verónica (2000). Historical understanding: Beyond the past and into the present. In P. Seixas, P. Stearns & S. Wineburg (Eds.), Knowing, learning and teaching history: National and international perspectives (pp. 390-418). San Francisco, CA: Lawrence Erlbaum.

Boix Mansilla, Verónica, Miller, William C. & Gardner, Howard (2000). On disciplinary lenses and interdisciplinary work. In S. Wineburg & P. Grossman (Eds.), Interdisciplinary curriculum - challenges to implementation (pp. 17-38). New York: Teachers College Press.

Gardner, Howard (2000). The disciplined mind: Beyond facts and standardized tests, the K-12 education that every child deserves. New York: Penguin Books.

Boix Mansilla, Verónica (1999). Mas allá de los logros de la revolución cognitiva. Revista Zona Educativa, Invierno. Buenos Aires, Argentina: Ministerio de Educación y cultura.

Gardner, Howard (1999). The disciplined mind: What all students should understand. New York: Simon & Schuster.

Boix Mansilla, Verónica (1998). Beyond the lessons from the cognitive revolution. Canadian Social Studies: The history and social studies teachers, 32(2), 49-51.

Boix Mansilla, Verónica, Gardner, Howard & Strom, Margot (1998). What can students do with what they learn about history? The challenges of assessing historical understanding. Facing History and Ourselves Newsletter Spring 1998. Boston: Facing History and Ourselves.

Boix Mansilla, Verónica (1997). De saberes escolares a comprensión disciplinaria: El desafío pedagógico de una educación de calidad. Kikiriki. Cooperación educativa, 42-43, 55-62.

Boix Mansilla, Verónica & Gardner, Howard (1997). Of kinds of disciplines and kinds of understanding. Phi Delta Kappan, 78(5), 381-386.

Blythe, Tina, Boix Mansilla, Verónica & Jaramillo, Rosario (1994). Teaching history for understanding. Teaching for understanding teachers' guide. San Francisco: Jossey Bass.

Gardner, Howard & Boix Mansilla, Verónica (1994). Teaching for understanding in the disciplines and beyond. Educational Leadership, 96(2), 198-218.